sabato 16 maggio 2009

The cancer of Second Life

Today folks want to talk about one of the most unpleasant things that can happen in Second Life ... the cancer of Second Life ... copying others' creations ... happened and is happening to us too that people without moral and with few scruples are copying our Baggys, our style and selling in Second Life only for their earnings ... money ... but how dare .. how can they do that ... steal the idea of a person and then sell it as their own ... but why all this? just for money? everything is reduced to one and vulgar thing about money? people who do not know how to create are using dishonest means to overcome its inability .. and above all without respect for the work done by honest creators ... we think that would be the case that these people thought of leaving Second Life to engage in something less difficult and complicated because they are limited ... but above all should look at themselves and ashamed of their actions ... and along the hard work of honest creators ruined by these people with no morals ... shame on you! be careful when you buy Baggys in Second Life... if they are too similar to our style ... but they do not have our name ... almost certainly you have met one of those dishonest that we talked about ... it is sad to talk about that .. but unfortunately the cancer of Second Life is spreading and we must stop it ... we'd like to see your comments .. for the moment it's all ..

Stay tuned...

3 commenti:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about that /__\
    what an evil stealing guy.....\__/

    Hope this thing can stop from now on....cause we all look forward to Karine's new work ^0^

  2. It is becuz there is no law in SL, no litigation, and even LL does not uphold the TOS at all times, especially if it involves developers who own many sims.

  3. sure.. we agree in what you say JoAnne.. there are laws.. TOS.. in SL but try to make a Report Abuse... nobody... and we repeat nobody go to do something... we made a lot of Report Abuse but nothing has happened.. so now we think SL is like the old Far West right now... nobody protect us... and only the evil wins...
